These vast, towering slums are mixed with hi-tech technologies existing alongside extreme poverty. Social inequality, crime, and environmental degradation forced people to keep building up trying to get above into the clouds.
It took me over 3 years to build the city along with work and other commitments. Animation and texturing might come eventually but at this stage, I wanted to get black-and-white environment shots from Unreal 5.
In the end, it is a massive sculpt all done in 3D Coat with layout and lighting in Unreal 5. I explain a bit more in the YouTube video. If you are interested in a step-by-step tutorial I explain how to sculpt buildings and props in my Modular Town Design tutorial.
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Check out the Youtube video below for progress explanation
Youtube video with a bit of progress and fly throughs
Previously I made a tutorial that goes in depth of sculpting buildings in 3D Coat: